Get Stretchy™
CLASSES: | 27 |
I've crafted the "Get Stretchy 2.0" to be perfect for fitness enthusiasts of all levels. Dedicate just 10-15 minutes a day, and let me guide you through tailored stretches targeting every essential muscle, from your hips to your spine. Together, we'll blend breathwork into our routines, enhancing your flexibility, uplifting your mood, and grounding you in the present. Experience a transformation in mere weeks – less pain, more energy, and a resilient shield against injuries. If you've had doubts, know that my approach is not just about stretching; it's about holistic restoration. Join me, and let's redefine your limits in under a month!

Student Results:


What You Get...
1. Morning Mobility Series
Set an upbeat tone to your day with 10-15 min videos that energize and mobilize your entire body. Each class is muscle focused for goal-oriented results.
- Over 80 mobility exercises
- 10 morning mobility videos
- 3 powerful dynamic breathing exercises
- 15 back exercises to free yourself from tightness and fatigue
- 8 upper spine exercises to open the chest, shoulders and improve backbends and posture
- 5 Thoracic spine openers (great for athletes that twist, like gold, tennis, boxing and surfing)
- Over 20 hamstring mobility exercises and stretches
- Over 20 hip mobility exercises and stretches
- Total Body flexibility flow
- Understand yoga technique
- Improve your body alignment and awareness
VALUE $149

+ plus
2. Evening Flexibility Series
Take your range of motion to the next level with longer holds and deeper breathing. You'll fall asleep easier and stay asleep longer too.
- Over 80 flexibility poses
- 10 evening flexibility videos
- 15 back exercises to free yourself from tightness and fatigue
- 8 upper spine exercises to open the chest, shoulders and improve backbends and posture
- 5 upper back poses for increased extension / flexion range of motion
- 5 shoulder opening stretches
- 6 foot / ankle / calf strengthening, stretching and overall mobility
- Over 20 hip deep stretches and restorative poses
- My 5 favorite deep quad opening stretch series
- 3 neck release stretches
VALUE $149

+ plus
3. Low Back Restorative
Release pain and tension in your low back. FINALLY, it's time to let go of all the stress and tightness that has been harboring in your spine.
- 25 minute follow along restorative yoga video focused solely on relieving pain in your low back
- Understanding of your body and how you can free your body
- 6 restorative poses
- Deep relaxation meditation that will guide you towards healing

+ plus
4. Moving Meditations
You are your thoughts. Move and stretch your way to a positive and motivated mind. Check out all 20 themes below:
Empowerment, Clarity, Vulnerability, Freedom, Intuition, Commitment, Resilience, Surrender, Inner Strength, Worthy, Forgiveness, Trust, Joy, Holding Space, Abundance, Positive Self Talk, Authenticity, Gratitude, Courage, and Self-Love

+ plus
5. Course Downloads
Prepare, write, educate, track, and assess your way towards your goal.
- Flexibility Assessment
- Get Stretchy Program Calendar
- Get Stretchy E-book: Stretching Do's and Don'ts
- Goals Worksheet
- Pre-Course Checklist
- Personal Tracking System

+ plus these free bonuses
BONUS #1: Private Facebook Group Community
Be supported and stay motivated on your journey by a loving and connected community. Community is one the most essential elements of a strong life. Life is up and down, and when you have a home you can always return to, where others will lift you up, you will always rise again. We need the support of others, so let's do this together.
- Support and accountability from ME
- Private FB Lives to ask specific questions from me
- Bond and stay motivated with hundreds of like-minded women
- Accelerate your growth with 24/7 forever access

+ plus
BONUS #2: Deep Relaxation Meditation
Step by step guided savasana meditation
- Use this after one of your Get Stretchy videos
- Play the video anytime you want to experience a deep relaxation

+ plus
BONUS #3: Pranayama - Breathing Training (4 Videos)
Breath training is BY FAR The most powerful way to improve your cognitive performance, create an intimate connection with yourself, and handle stress in your life like A BOSS! By breathing slowly and steadily you will calm your mind. As you change your rate of breathing, you change your state of mind. The mind follows the breath, and the body follows the mind. Learn the skill of mindful breathing through your 4 breathing videos.
- Video 1: Breath of Fire
- Video 2: 1 Minute Breath Meditation
- Video 3: Long Deep Breathing
- Video 4: Alternate Nostril Breathing
VALUE $199

+ plus
BONUS #4: Touch Your Toes
A bonus video for you to focus specifically on touching your toes. There is a strategy to doing this, and this video will show you exactly how I mentally and physically trained my body to touch my toes.
- Step by step guide to touch your toes
- 4 ways to improve your hamstring flexibility
- 2 strategies to build stability with flexibility
- Understanding of functional hip flexion and hamstring mobility

That's a total value of: $1,130
Unlock Your Body's Maximum Flexibility NOW
A private one-hour training session with me costs $500.
This program is over 8 hours of flexibility and mobility training, and provides so much more than I could ever provide in just one hour training session.
It is my mission in life to make you flexible and mobile again, and help as many people as possible, so you can free yourself from pain and distraction, and heal yourself... all for the one-time fee of $199, for lifetime access!!!
$1,130 Total Value
Join now for $199
Purchase once, keep forever.